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A trained and exhibited sculptor, Nick has a long history in the creative and performing arts, with his first public performance being at the ICA, London. For ten years he was in Brighton based live art collective Maphead, performing in arts festivals around the country, including the Brighton Festival. Maphead also made films and music, the most notable band being spoken word, electronica and beats act Underlounge.

In the early noughties, Nick co-founded the Brighton based improvisational and experimental electronica music collective The Spirit of Gravity, which is still going strong today. In the fluid environment of the collective Nick performed in bands including Malevich and This Sound Bureaucracy, scratch DJing with home made vinyl alongside spoken word. His last major SoG performance was at the Brighton Dome Pavilion Theatre as a part of an experimental sound festival.

Before forming The Sweet Ordeal, Nick had been in other more traditional bands as a student, including the terribly named baggy band Andre Breton's Steam Powered Whippet Band (Featuring the Twittering Machine) and folk punk duo N'arf! The former once headlined above The Levellers.

Always the magpie, Nick's other artistic ventures include writing and producing Hanover Square, a 12 part radio comedy soap opera, running Tongue & Bass a spoken word and drum n bass club night, presenting on pirate and local radio and DJing as far afield as Poland. Under The Sweet Ordeal moniker, Nick currently DJays at  live music nights. 

As the lyricist in The Sweet Ordeal, Nick has returned to his first love of writing, which has been the consistent thread in most of his work.

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